About West Coast Wine Style

West Coast Wine Style

If I had to describe this site, I'd start with... This site is somewhere between a t-shirt shop, and art gallery, and a home goods store. Honestly, I believe in change and evolution, so there will be revisions along the way. Of course, your impressions go a long way to improvement, so please feel free to let me know.

The art on this site is original photography and graphic design, inspired by a love of wine and being in wine country, no matter the location. There is so much to enjoy about wine and enjoying it is often a very sensual experience. As sexy as wine can be, it is also people, family, pets, agriculture, geography, art, history, botany, oenology, and new friends being made over sips of delicious vino.
The collection of items here on the site represent what I believe is a certain style. To be more specific or niche, the style associated with this site is intended to have a "wine style", evoking the feeling you get when you visit wherever you call wine country. I get excited when I know I'm going wine tasting.

I know that when I get to the winery, I'm going to feel connected, to the earth, the environment, and the hands making the wine. It's a feeling of adventure, in experiencing new tastes, new people, and new experiences. It's a feeling of home, being in a place that is often family-owned and operated, whether you're tasting in a million-dollar tasting room or the barrel-room that serves as a production facility for a small, family winery.. And it's a feeling of creativity, as the wine juices get the creative juices flowing.

In California, we're lucky to have wine country in every part of the state, some of the best too. Of course, the West Coast includes our Pinot Noir-making neighbor Oregon and its neighbor, Washington. Although Texas is not considered part of the West Coast, they are certainly to be included in wine conversations and product selection.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have visited many wineries in all of those states, and I love them all. I try to make a circuit to them every year, to retaste and revisit some old friends, while making some new ones. Consequently, much of the photography seen here was shot while wine tasting in California, Oregon, Washington, and Texas.

Thank you for visiting!
